Bioinformatics Nano Course

1. Dates: 22-24 Mar 2010
2. Name: Bioinformatics: What? When? How?
3. Description: This nano course aims to answer three major questions about Bioinformatics: What is Bioinformatics? When should we consider a Bioinformatics approach? And how can Bioinformatics help us in a specific field of molecular biology?. To accomplish this goal, a series of lectures on different fields of Bioinformatics will be presented, in areas ranging from biologically relevant Databases to methods of High-throughput Genomics. We will present the current state of the art and what are the future perspectives, challenges and goals in the field.

Course Program

This course is part of IMM PhD Programme ( It will consist in a series of talks followed by short journal clubs where groups of students will present papers suggested by the speakers of the previews talks.
The groups for the journal club preparation will be posted soon.
The students need to prepare a 15-20 mins presentation about the paper (5 powerpoint slides maximum, can be prepared to guide the presentation), presenting the general idea of the paper, by explaining the problem, describing what methods were used, and what were the article main achievements.

All the course talks will be on room 51 floor 0 of EEM building for Monday and Wednesday. The Tuesday classes will be on room 52.
The only exception will be David Aanansen's talk, that is scheduled to room 57, since it is a IMM seminar.

Course Schedule

Monday 22 Speaker Title Paper
9:00 - 10:00 Pedro Fernandes (GTBC,Hermes) Data resources for Biomedical usage 1) 1_brooksbank_nucleic_acids_research_2010.pdf
10:00 - 11:00 Ana Teresa Freitas Biological Sequence Analysis 2) 2_pertsemlidis_genome_biol_2001.pdf
11h00 - 12h00 Journal Club 1)+2)
12h00 - 13h00 David Aanensen The use and development of web applications for infectious disease microbiology 3) 3_grundmann_plos_med_2010.pdf
13h00 - 14h30 Lunch
14h30 - 15h30 João André Carriço Epidemiological Data Integration, Analysis and Visualization: from databases to population genetics 4) 4_francisco_bmc_bioinformatics_2009.pdf
15h30 - 16h30 Francisco Couto Untangling BioOntologies for Effectively Exploring Biomedical Information 5) 5_pesquita_ploscompbiol_2009.pdf
16h30 - 18h00 Journal Club 3)+4)+5)

Tuesday 23 Speaker Title Paper
14h00 - 15h00 Francisco Pinto Topology-function relations in regulatory networks 6) 6_milo_science_2002.pdf
15h00 - 16h00 Sara Madeira An overview on heterogeneous data integration in biology and medicine 7) 7_huttenhower_genome_research_2009.pdf
16h15 - 18h00 Journal Club 6)+7)

Wednesday 24 Speaker Title Paper
9h00 - 10h00 Claudine Chaouiya Qualitative modelling provides insights into the functioning of large biological regulatory networks 8) 8_samaga_plos_comput_biol_2009.pdf
10h00 - 11h00 Jorge Carneiro Towards the automated analysis of living cells and tissues based on morphodynamic models 9) 9_farhadifar_curr_biol_2007.pdf
11h00 - 12h00 Journal Club 8)+9)
12h00 - 14h00 Lunch
14h00 - 15h00 Isabel Rocha Metabolic Systems Biology 10) 10_chavali_mol_syst_biol_2008.pdf
15h00 - 16h00 Andreas Bohn Computing microbial biofilms: a case for ecological informatics 11) 11_jones_annu_rev_ecol_evol_sys_2008.pdf
16h15 - 18h00 Journal Club 10)+11)

Journal Club Articles

  • courses/bioinformatics.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/02/19 18:06
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