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-====== Elisabete Martins ====== 
-===== Bio ===== 
-**Full Name**: Elisabete Raquel Ferreira Martins\\ 
-**Academic Qualification**: ​ 
-  * Master Degree: Clinical Microbiology - FML/UL\\ 
-  * Degree: Applied Chemistry, Biotechnology - FCT/UNL\\ 
-===== Current Position ===== 
-**PhD Student**\\ ​ 
-[[http://​www.imm.fm.ul.pt/​web/​imm/​molecularmicrobiologyandinfection|Molecular Microbiology and Infection Unit]], [[http://​www.imm.fm.ul.pt/​web/​imm/​home|Instituto de Medicina Molecular]]\\ 
-Instituto de Microbiologia,​[[http://​www.fm.ul.pt/​|Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa]], Universidade de Lisboa\\ ​ 
-===== Research Interests ===== 
-Virulence factors of //​Streptococcus agalactiae// ​ 
-===== Websites ===== 
-===== Contacts ===== 
-**Emails**: ​ 
-  * emartins_at_fm.ul.pt (replace _at_ by @)\\ 
-===== Publications ===== 
-Evidence for rare capsular switching in //​Streptococcus agalactiae//​. ​ 
-Martins, E. R., J. Melo-Cristino,​ and M. Ramirez. ​ 
-J Bacteriol (2010) 192:1361-9. 
-Analysis of group B streptococcal isolates from infants and pregnant women in Portugal revealing two lineages with enhanced invasiveness. 
-Martins, E. R., M. A. Pessanha, M. Ramirez, and J. Melo-Cristino. ​ 
-J Clin Microbiol (2007) 45:3224-9. 
-Reevaluating the serotype II capsular locus of //​Streptococcus agalactiae//​. 
-Martins, E. R., J. Melo-Cristino,​ and M. Ramirez. 
-J Clin Microbiol (2007) 45:3384-6. 
-//​Streptococcus agalactiae//​ Serotype Ib as an Agent of Meningitis in Two Adult Nonpregnant Women. 
-Martins, E. R., C. Florindo, F. Martins, I. Aldir, M. J. Borrego, L. Brum, M. Ramirez, and J. Melo-Cristino. ​ 
-J Clin Microbiol (2007) 45:3850-2. 
  • people/emartins.txt
  • Last modified: 2018/02/19 18:06
  • (external edit)