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people:ramirez [2020/01/24 11:50]
ramirez [Mário Ramirez]
people:ramirez [2024/05/24 10:48] (current)
ramirez [Publications]
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 **Mathematical and computational biology** : Univariate/​Multivariate Statistics for Data Analysis, Graph theory, Resampling Methods, Congruence Measurements,​ Evolutionary Models\\ **Mathematical and computational biology** : Univariate/​Multivariate Statistics for Data Analysis, Graph theory, Resampling Methods, Congruence Measurements,​ Evolutionary Models\\
 ===== Websites ===== ===== Websites =====
 +[[https://​chewbbaca.online/​|chewBBACA online]] - A whole genome/core genome multilocus sequence typing (wg/cgMLST) database developed facilitate the comparison of wg/cgMLST typing data obtained from high-throughput sequencing.
 [[http://​patlas.site|pAtlas]] - A plasmid database developed in the lab to facilitate plasmid detection in high-throughput data and the exploration of plasmid space. [[http://​patlas.site|pAtlas]] - A plasmid database developed in the lab to facilitate plasmid detection in high-throughput data and the exploration of plasmid space.
-[[http://​www.phyloviz.net|PHYLOViZ]] - a software allowing the visualization of accessory epidemiological data together with evolutionary hypothesis derived from MLST, MLVA or SNP data developed in the lab in collaboration with INESC.+[[http://​www.phyloviz.net|PHYLOViZ]] - a software allowing the visualization of accessory epidemiological data together with evolutionary hypothesis derived from MLST, MLVA or SNP data developed in the lab in collaboration with INESC. PHYLOViZ uses the goeBURST algorithm, a globally optimized implementation of the eBURST algorithm, to create minimum spanning tree like representations of the data. Both a desktop JAVA implementation and an online version are available.
 [[http://​www.comparingpartitions.info|Comparing Partitions]] - a site developed in the lab for comparing classification schemes\\ [[http://​www.comparingpartitions.info|Comparing Partitions]] - a site developed in the lab for comparing classification schemes\\
-[[http://​goeburst.phyloviz.net/​|goeBURST]] - a globally optimized implementation of the eBURST algorithm for the analysis of MLST data developed in the lab in collaboration with INESC. 
 ===== Contacts ===== ===== Contacts =====
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 ===== Publications ===== ===== Publications =====
-[[http://​orcid.org/​0000-0002-4084-6233|{{:​people:​orcid-icon.png}}]][[http://​www.scopus.com/​inward/​authorDetails.url?​authorID=7201568476&​partnerID=MN8TOARS|{{:​people:​scopus.ico}}]][[http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-4993-2008|{{:​people:​researcherid.ico}}]][[http://​scholar.google.com/​citations?​user=EWHFzOAAAAAJ&​hl=en|{{:​people:​googlescholar.jpg?​100}}]] +[[http://​orcid.org/​0000-0002-4084-6233|{{:​people:​orcid-icon.png}}]][[http://​www.scopus.com/​inward/​authorDetails.url?​authorID=7201568476&​partnerID=MN8TOARS|{{:​people:​scopus.ico}}]][[https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/​record/​334070|{{:​people:​researcherid.ico}}]][[http://​scholar.google.com/​citations?​user=EWHFzOAAAAAJ&​hl=en|{{:​people:​googlescholar.jpg?​100}}]] 
 **Publications after 2003:** **Publications after 2003:**
  • people/ramirez.1579863015.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/01/24 11:50
  • by ramirez