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publications [2023/09/11 09:49]
ramirez [2023]
publications [2024/09/02 10:43] (current)
ramirez [2024]
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 ====== Publications ====== ====== Publications ======
 +===== 2024  =====
 +Stanley S, [[people:​anacosta|Silva-Costa C]], [[people:​jfsilva|Gomes-Silva J]], [[people:​jmelocristino|Melo-Cristino J]], Malley R, [[people:​ramirez|Ramirez M]]. 2024. CC180 clade dynamics does not universally explain //​Streptococcus pneumoniae//​ serotype 3 persistence post-vaccine:​ a global comparative population genomics study. medRxiv [[https://​doi.org/​10.1101/​2024.08.29.24312665|(doi:​ 10.1101/​2024.08.29.24312665)]]
 +Mutschler E, Roloff T, Neves A, Aamot HV, Rodriguez-Sanchez B, [[people:​ramirez|Ramirez M]], Rossen J, Couto N, Novais Â, Howden BP, Brisse S, Reuter S, Nolte O, Egli A, Seth-Smith HMB. 2024. <fc #​0000FF>​Towards unified reporting of genome sequencing results in clinical microbiology</​fc>​. PeerJ 12:e17673. [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​39131622/​|(PMID:​ 39131622)]]
 +[[people:​anacosta|Silva-Costa C]], [[people:​jfsilva|Gomes-Silva J]], [[people:​mdpinho|Pinho MD]], [[people:​afriaes|Friães A]], Subtil-Limpo F, [[people:​ramirez|Ramirez M]], [[people:​jmelocristino|Melo-Cristino J]], Portuguese Group for the Study of Streptococcal Infections and the Portuguese Study Group of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society. 2024. <fc #​0000FF>​Rebound of pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease in Portugal after the COVID-19 pandemic was not associated with significant serotype changes</​fc>​. J Infect 89:106242. [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​39116949/​|(PMID:​ 39116949)]]
 +Quadros Flores MA, Volovetska Y, Marques T, [[people:​jmelocristino|Melo-Cristino J]]. 2024. <fc #​0000FF>​Are these lesions contagious?</​fc>​ Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin S2529-993X(24)00113–8. [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​38705752/​|(PMID:​ 38705752)]]
 +Hänscheid T, Del Portal Luyten CR, Hermans SM, Grobusch MP. 2024. <fc #​0000FF>​Repurposing of anti-malarial drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis:​ realistic strategy or fanciful dead end?</​fc>​ Malar J 23:132. [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​38702649/​|(PMID:​ 38702649)]]
 +Faria NA, Touret T, Simões AS, Palos C, Bispo S, [[people:​jmelocristino|Melo-Cristino J]], [[people:​ramirez|Ramirez M]], Carriço J, Pinto M, Toscano C, Gonçalves E, Gonçalves ML, Costa A, Araújo M, Duarte A, de Lencastre H, Serrano M, Sá-Leão R, Miragaia M. 2024. <fc #​0000FF>​Genomic Insights into the expansion of carbapenem-resistant //​Klebsiella pneumoniae//​ within Portuguese Hospitals</​fc>​. J Hosp Infect S0195-6701(24)00106–3. [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​38554808/​|(PMID:​ 38554808)]]
 +Xie O, Morris JM, Hayes AJ, Towers RJ, Jespersen MG, Lees JA, Ben Zakour NL, Berking O, Baines SL, Carter GP, Tonkin-Hill G, Schrieber L, McIntyre L, Lacey JA, James TB, Sriprakash KS, Beatson SA, Hasegawa T, Giffard P, Steer AC, Batzloff MR, Beall BW, [[people:​mdpinho|Pinho MD]], [[people:​ramirez|Ramirez M]], Bessen DE, Dougan G, Bentley SD, Walker MJ, Currie BJ, Tong SYC, McMillan DJ, Davies MR. 2024. <fc #​0000FF>​Inter-species gene flow drives ongoing evolution of Streptococcus pyogenes and //​Streptococcus dysgalactiae//​ subsp. //​equisimilis//</​fc>​. Nat Commun 15:2286. [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​38480728/​|(PMID:​ 38480728)]]
 +Mendes Pedro D, Paulo SE, Santos CM, Fonseca AB, [[people:​jmelocristino|Melo-Cristino J]], Pereira AA, Caneiras C. 2024. <fc #​0000FF>​Extensively drug-resistant //​Pseudomonas aeruginosa//:​ clinical features and treatment with ceftazidime/​avibactam and ceftolozane/​tazobactam in a tertiary care university hospital center in Portugal – A cross-sectional and retrospective observational study</​fc>​. Frontiers in Microbiology 15. 15:1347521. [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​38414772/​|(PMID:​ 38414772)]]
 +Boattini M, Bianco G, Llorente LI, Acero LA, Nunes D, Seruca M, Mendes VS, Almeida A, Bastos P, Rodríguez-Villodres Á, Gascón AG, Halperin AV, Cantón R, Escartín MNL, González-López JJ, Floch P, Massip C, Chainier D, Barraud O, Dortet L, Cuzon G, Zancanaro C, Mizrahi A, Schade R, Rasmussen AN, Schønning K, Hamprecht A, Schaffarczyk L, Glöckner S, Rödel J, Kristóf K, Balonyi Á, Mancini S, Quiblier C, Fasciana T, Giammanco A, Paglietti B, Rubino S, Budimir A, Bedenić B, Rubic Z, Marinović J, Gartzonika K, Christaki E, Mavromanolaki VE, Maraki S, Yalçın TY, Azap ÖK, Licker M, Musuroi C, Talapan D, Vrancianu CO, Comini S, Zalas-Więcek P, Michalska A, Cavallo R, [[people:​jmelocristino|Melo-Cristino J]], Costa C. 2024. <fc #​0000FF>​Enterobacterales carrying chromosomal AmpC β-lactamases in Europe (EuESCPM): Epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance burden from a cohort of 27 hospitals, 2020-2022</​fc>​. Int J Antimicrob Agents 63:107115. [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​38367844/​|(PMID:​ 38367844)]]
 +Bajanca-Lavado MP, Pinto M, Carvalho MD, Jantarada Domingos G, [[people:​jmelocristino|Melo-Cristino J]]. 2024. <fc #​0000FF>​Rare serotype c //​Haemophilus influenzae//​ invasive isolate: characterization of the first case in Portugal</​fc>​. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 43:​791–795 [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​38332396/​|(PMID:​ 38332396)]]
 +[[people:​anacosta|Silva-Costa C]], [[people:​jmelocristino|Melo-Cristino J]], [[people:​ramirez|Ramirez M.]] 2024. <fc #​0000FF>//​Streptococcus pneumoniae//</​fc>,​ p. 1479–1490. In Tang, Y-W, Hindiyeh, MY, Liu, D, Sails, A, Spearman, P, Zhang, J-R (eds.), Molecular Medical Microbiology (Third Edition). Academic Press. [[https://​doi.org/​10.1016/​B978-0-12-818619-0.00095-2|doi:​10.1016/​B978-0-12-818619-0.00095-2]][[https://​www.sciencedirect.com/​science/​article/​abs/​pii/​B9780128186190000952
 +|Publisher site]]
 ===== 2023  ===== ===== 2023  =====
 +[[people:​anacosta|Silva-Costa C]], Gomes-Silva J, Santos A, [[people:​ramirez|Ramirez M]], [[people:​jmelocristino|Melo-Cristino J]], The Portuguese Group for the Study of Streptococcal Infections. 2023. <fc #​0000FF>​Adult non-invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in Portugal is dominated by serotype 3 and non-PCV13 serotypes 3-years after near universal PCV13 use in children</​fc>​. Frontiers in Public Health 11:1279656 [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​38186693/​|(PMID:​ 38186693)]]
 +Mendes G, Santos ML, Ramalho JF, Bruschy-Fonseca A, Lito L, Mendes-Pedro D, Duarte A, [[people:​jmelocristino|Melo-Cristino J]], Caneiras C. 2023. <fc #​0000FF>​Genomic characterisation of a novel KPC-98-producing clinical //​Klebsiella pneumoniae//​ strain conferring resistance to ceftazidime/​avibactam</​fc>​. Int J Antimicrob Agents 62:107013. [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​37875180/​|(PMID:​ 37875180)]]
 +Grobusch MP, Ruiz Del Portal Luyten C, Visser BJ, de Jong HK, Goorhuis A, Hanscheid T. 2023. <fc #​0000FF>​Overcoming publication and dissemination bias in infectious diseases clinical trials</​fc>​. Lancet Infect Dis S1473-3099(23)00455–3. [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​37837983/​|(PMID:​ 37837983)]]
 +Gouveia C, Bajanca-Lavado MP, Mamede R, Araújo Carvalho A, Rodrigues F, [[people:​jmelocristino|Melo-Cristino J]], [[people:​ramirez|Ramirez M.]], [[people:​afriaes|Friães A]], Portuguese Group for the Study of Streptococcal Infections, ​ Portuguese Study Group of Pediatric Invasive Streptococcal Disease. 2023. <fc #​0000FF>​Sustained increase of paediatric invasive //​Streptococcus pyogenes// infections dominated by M1<​sub>​UK</​sub>​ and diverse //emm//12 isolates, Portugal, September 2022 to May 2023.</​fc>​ Eurosurveillance 28(36). [[https://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​37676143/​|(PMID:​ 37676143)]]
-Gouveia C, Bajanca-Lavado MP, Mamede R, Araújo Carvalho A, Rodrigues F, [[people:​jmelocristino|Melo-Cristino J]], [[people:​ramirez|Ramirez M.]], [[people:​afriaes|Friães A]], Portuguese Group for the Study of Streptococcal Infections, ​ Portuguese Study Group of Pediatric Invasive Streptococcal Disease. 2023. <fc #​0000FF>​Sustained increase of paediatric invasive //​Streptococcus pyogenes// infections dominated by M1<​sub>​UK</​sub>​ and diverse //emm//12 isolates, Portugal, September 2022 to May 2023.</​fc>​ Eurosurveillance 28(36). [[http://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pubmed/​37676143/​|(PMID:​ 37676143)]] 
 Pinto Junior VL, Valadas E, Hanscheid T. 2023. <fc #​0000FF>​Combating vaccine hesitancy requires knowledge of misfortunes and controversies</​fc>​. Acta Med Port 36:​537–540. [[https://​pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​37579748/​|(PMID:​ 37579748)]] Pinto Junior VL, Valadas E, Hanscheid T. 2023. <fc #​0000FF>​Combating vaccine hesitancy requires knowledge of misfortunes and controversies</​fc>​. Acta Med Port 36:​537–540. [[https://​pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​37579748/​|(PMID:​ 37579748)]]
  • publications.1694418565.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/09/11 09:49
  • by ramirez